Exeter Historical Society Announces Programs for '10-'11 Season

Every year, October through May, the Exeter Historical Society hosts a series of programs -- or "meetings" -- featuring presentations by local historians and authors (and occasionally meteorologists, musicians and stone masons). All of these programs are free and open to the public -- though donations are always welcome to help defray the cost. Historically, the programs have fallen on the first Tuesday of the above-mentioned months, but last year we mixed it up a bit, alternating between the first Tuesday and the first Wednesday, to appeal to those who had announced over the years that they'd love to come to our programs if they weren't always on Tuesdays. So, unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at the Exeter Historical Society at 47 Front Street in Exeter, New Hampshire, at 7:30 pm. Refreshments are served at 7:00 pm.

A quick overview of our upcoming meetings:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010: "The Great Sheep Boom & Its Enduring Legacy on the NH Landscape" by Steve Taylor**
Wednesday, November 3: "Our National Thanksgiving: With Thanks to President Lincoln and Mrs. Hale" by Steve and Sharon Wood**
Tuesday, December 7, 5:30 - 7:30pm: our annual Holiday Open House
Wednesday, January 5, 2011: "The History of the Wentworth Hotel" by J. Dennis Robinson
Tuesday, February 1: "Brewing in NH: An Informal History of Beer in the Granite State from Colonial Times to the Present" by Glenn Knoblock**
Wednesday, March 2: "Fish, Trees, Sheep and Factories: Environmental Change in NH" by Jeff Bolster
Tuesday, April 5: "Whatever Happened to Robert Todd Lincoln?" by Barbara Rimkunas (our curator & "Historically Speaking" column writer extraordinaire)
Wednesday, May 4: our Annual Meeting, "What NH Thought was Funny 200 Years Ago" by Charles E. Clark.**

We hope that you can join us for some of these presentations! If you have ideas for future programs, please email program manager Laura Martin Gowing at programs@exeterhistory.org with your suggestions.

**These programs are sponsored by the New Hampshire Humanities Council's Humanities To Go program.


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