Staff Sergeant Robert Naves, Artist, Airman

By Barbara Rimkunas

This "Historically Speaking" column was published in the Exeter News-Letter on Friday, May 22, 2020.

Robert Naves didn’t want to be a housepainter like his father. The elder Robert Naves had come to the United States from New Brunswick, Canada in 1914, and moved to Exeter with his wife, Minnie. He worked as a clerk in the hardware store for some years and became a painter and contractor in his own right within a decade. During the economic slump that occurred in New England during the 1920s, he managed to keep the family going – although some years Minnie worked as a maid at Phillip Exeter Academy. The younger Robert, born in Exeter in 1916, came of age during the Great Depression. After his father’s sudden accidental death in 1934, Robert, determined to finish his education, graduated from Exeter High School. Having grown up around the scent of linseed oil and turpentine, it was no surprise that Robert had artistic ambitions. But these were not solid economic times, and so he chose to put his talents to work. He studied in Boston at the Scott Carbee School of Art, which boasted a strong commercial art program. 

He began work with the Crystal Arts Studio, run by Paul Brigham. The firm produced large canvas backdrop curtains for Grange Halls and town theaters. The curtains featured regional scenic scenes surrounded by borders that advertised local businesses. Brigham, according to his son Richard, “sold the curtains, got the ads, and arranged for various artists to do the actual painting.” Naves became one of the artists and some of these advertising curtains still exist today. The town of Whately, Massachusetts recently had assistance restoring their Naves’ backdrop with the help of an organization called “Curtains Without Borders.” 

In 1940, Naves and his wife, Janice, purchased property in Hampton to set up a studio. Large backdrop painting required a lot of space. The barn at their Mill Road residence was converted over. On a cold February morning in 1941, Naves suffered a terrible setback. Emily Earle recalled, “When he went out to work on projects, he often brought out a heater. While working in the shed one afternoon, he accidentally tipped over the heater, and the shed became engulfed in flames. The only way Robert could get out of the shed was to walk through the flames.” Severely burned on his face and hands, Naves spent the next month being treated at Exeter Hospital. Discharged in March, he was still unable to use his hands properly, but had every intention of rebuilding the studio. By December, the United States was drawn into World War II and everything changed.

Healthy enough by the following Spring, Naves enlisted in the Army Air Force. Ned Shute recalled, “his wish was to get into aviation and later I found that he had made it and in a big way.” After basic training, he volunteered for overseas duty and was shipped out to India and later China. He was assigned to the 14th Air Force, promoted to Staff Sergeant under Major General Claire Chennault and the famous “Flying Tigers.” While there, he assisted with the redesign of the Flying Tigers logo. Credit for the redesign went to Staff Sergeant Howard Arnegard of Hillsboro, N. Dakota. An AP photographer was on hand when the design was unveiled to Major General Chennault. Chennault is flanked by Arnegard on the left and Robert Naves on his right. “Robert Naves of Boston looks on,” the caption reads. But more likely, Arnegard and Naves created the art together. In a letter to Ned Shute, Naves wrote, “enclosed is a picture you might be interested in. It was snapped in the old headquarters building. Arnegard designed the new emblem for the Fourteenth Air Force and I painted the emblem for the ‘old man.’” His praise for Chennault was intense. “Gen. Chenault is really a man to know. Honestly Ned, he’s TOPS ‘DING HAO’ (very good as the Chinese say). Every fellow here in China would go through HELL and HIGH WATER to help him out. I’ve talked to him a couple of times and he’s really all that people think he is – AND MORE.” 

Naves grew to love China. Perhaps viewing the countryside through an artist’s eye gave him the ability to step back from war and take in the beauty of the scenery. He made plans to return to China after the fighting ended. But war is cruel. In early June of 1944, Janice was informed that he’d been badly injured in a jeep accident. On the 4th of July, word was received that he hadn’t recovered. He was just 29 years old.

William Rahill, with the Friends Ambulance Unit in Kweiyang (now Guiyang) wrote to Naves’ mother in late August. “I met Bob in the Kweiyang Medical College Hospital the morning after the accident. He was brought in by ambulance from the scene of the wreck the previous evening. Although seriously hurt his courage and cheerfulness never left him. When he learned that the doctors felt an operation would help he said, “What are we waiting for then?” He underwent a series of operations. “One with less strength and grit would never have survived the second operation. Bob amazed everyone by his stubborn will and determination to get well. In the daily visits with Bob we became good friends. His attitude towards China and the Chines was a refreshing one. He wanted to bring his wife back after the war and spend his time out here.” Robert did not survive the series of setbacks and infections that followed. Rahill concluded sadly, “When the jeep Bob was driving struck a soft shoulder and overturned into a paddy field, Fate dealt a cruel blow to you and Mrs. Naves and all the many friends Bob had…Perhaps he has found a peace that none of us will until we join him…I believe so.”

Robert W. Naves now lies buried in Arlington Cemetery. In 1960 the town of Hampton and American Legion Post 35 unveiled a bronze plaque at the corner of Naves and Mace Roads in his honor. Artist and airman, Naves will be remembered as both.

Barbara Rimkunas is curator of the Exeter Historical Society. Support the Exeter Historical Society by becoming a member! Join online through our website.

Photo: “1944: Major-General Claire Chennault, center, holds the new insignia of the 14th air force which was designed by Staff Sergeant Howard Arnegard of Hillsboro, N.D., left. Sergeant Robert Naves of Boston, right, looks on.” Naves, a native of Exeter, maintained his art studio in Hampton.


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